
Monday, November 08, 2004

Rant time 

Do we relay need one country policing the rest of the world? What happened before that country came into being, didn't countries take care of their own business?

If someone doesn't like whose leading their country can't they just revolt a la French Revolution? The Americans revolted against the English, the Scottish against the English (didn't' turn out overly well but you get the idea).

I was driving home contemplating the current world events, and thinking so many people used the "Get Saddam out of power" line. They were saying it's ok there were no nuclear weapons, because Saddam Hussein is no longer leading the country.

If the Iraqis really wanted to be rid of Saddam why wouldn't they have revolted, had a civil war, or plead their case to the UN? Wouldn't' that be more logical then sending a bunch of young people across the world to bomb and shot at them?
.Yea so I know this is all over oil and money or else they would be invading other countries like the Sudan to "help" them out as well. I guess I am beating the dead dog, but I am not just talking abut Iraq, I am speaking about the WORLD>
I think we have to support other countries peacekeeping, fund raising, medically, during emergencies like floods, earthquakes. Invasion of another country, I do believe the world can do without...
I am tired and ranting, I am sick, I am shutting up, I lost my train of thought......

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