
Sunday, September 26, 2004

Stomp to my beat 

I was going to write some boring update about my life recently but fuck that would take ages to write and read . I could tell you about all the crazy adventures I have planned in the upcoming weeks, but that would take the fun out of posting about them later, as they happen.

So instead I will ramble about strange goings on from the last update, I work not as much as I should but I have been working, I made commission the last two weeks of work, 57$ dollars the first week 67$ the second week.
I had a "run in" with A SUICIDAL raccoon that could've cost me 1500+ dollars to fix, luckily I only had to pay the two hundred and fifty dollar deductible. I know have a hate on for raccoons, or anything that is small and striped.

I am having a piercing party next Saturday night for my birthday, then going out to paint the town red. I am vary excited, we'll end up at Herman's par usual, should be a good time, had by all.

I still have no idea where out west I am going, but I do know it's going to be an interesting trip.

I have some super exciting news that I cannot reveal just yet till all the arrangements are made, but I can say some of you are really going to hate me when you find out.

Does anyone know how long a person can avoid the inevitable?

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