Monday, August 30, 2004
(Happy now)
I got a J-O-B! I start on Wednesday at four, should be interesting, Tanya is starting as well, I am excited, also I am starting anew work out routine thingy mijiggy. Thanks to everyone who has been so encouraging lately.
Nikki, Tanya and I rented some movies and we are going to cook sketti!
Enjoy your evening.
Sam, email me hun we must catch up!
Mental Notes:
I went out on Friday night and got loaded!
Happy Birthday to "the girl in the pink shirt".
Not going to be designated driver again for a while.
George Bush is a moron, he irritates me.
I need to start sorting and packing.
Job interview this past week went well.
I am moving the computer so I can write more often.
Angora hats stink when they get wet.
Celine Dion's "I drove all night" was stuck in my head all last night. (shouldn't have stopped by Gay dance)
My brother and father work for Halliburton.... This is hilarious.
Where should I move to?
Mad Gab is an interesting game.
White shirts attract food.
I made chicken in a mushroom sauce, rice and cream corn for supper. Absolutely delicious!
Old ladies are wonderful.
Resident Evil 2- it's getting closer.
My cousin just got back from Afghanistan. I miss her.
I miss Kenzo, Meagan, Jordan, Eric, Aileen, Vanessa, Shannon, Laura, Jeff....etc/
.Payday is Tuesday.
Being unemployed sucks.
I can't watch people cry, it makes me cry.
Someone owes me 600$ and I feel guilty asking for it... Why is that?
I want to go to Mount Allison this weekend, should I?
Road Trip across Eastern Canada this fall, who's in?
I need volunteer work, suggestions?
I went swimming today, the water was beautiful.
I need a hug.
My friends seem to be like sand slipping through my fingers.
I am a spoiled rotten bitch.
The moon was full last night, I gazed upon it often.
I have made peace with the spiders that live around my house.
I haven't washed my hair since I dyed it, I love this colour too much for it to fade.
Why won't I reach for my full potential?
What am I hiding from?
My birthday is quickly approaching.
I have a bit of a tan, it's exciting.
I need to have a conversation, a real adult one.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Free falling
Jay wanted to jump off the bridge, I was scared, I have wanted to do it since I was a little kid, since I first heard of and then seen people actually jump off the Bridge. I have a fear of heights, it's not a paralyzing fear, but it's a fear nonetheless. We go up to the top of the bridge, I had my glasses on, and a T-shirt over my bathing suit, it's 9 o'clock at night, it's kinda breezy.
"She was standing there, the hardness of the cement pinching her toes, the wind slipping through her hair, the fear of the drop tugging at her insides. She couldn't see the water, only the slight reflection from the street lights, her friend waiting for her in the water. She knew that if she didn't go soon the fear would paralyze her, the cool air was causing her body to tense, the voices behind her were nervous and high pitched. What was she doing, this was her idea, could she handle this drop, it looked really intimidating from here. Her friend was waiting, he tried to be encouraging, but she clocked it out, she cured quietly and then plummeted. She wondered if she should plug her nose, her stomach had soared up out of her body, the whoosh the slipped past her ears, the glorious free falling, her toes slipping into the water, and her body plunging quickly thereafter. She arced her body when she went under to push her back up. She broke the surface with a squeal, she had conquered the bridge."
I jumped from the opposite side the second time, we jumped from the higher side first, the second time was much more terrifying because I had to wait for Amanda and she was freaking out, so that I became apprehensive. I was also cold and shivering waiting for her to go, that when I went I landed poorly my breasts and hands slapped the water, and I felt like I had been punched in the chest the next morning.
What a rush!
Monday, August 23, 2004
Part 4 (final one)
Doochey asks if I have my id... WTF difference does that make? He quickly explains the cops can "jimmy" open my car (with power locks?) as long as I have id on me that matches the ownership in the car.
We had passed two cops on the way back from getting pizza, I marched over explained my sob story, they told me because of civil suits they no longer did that. FOILED AGAIN!
Then I remembered why I purchased a brand spanking new car, one of the features was roadside assistance!!!!!!!!! Except the number was in the he car, after a rather long and boring means of finding it which included going to Jaspers and calling 5 different people and 15 different numbers I fond out where my VIN(Vehicle Identification Number) was located, and read it off to a nice chick who sent out a tow truck. He was there and we were gone in 20 minutes, it was almost five and i was exhausted.
I dropped everyone off and headed back to Marion Bridge, Kevin and Carol are curled up on the couch watching Cheech and Chong "Up in Smoke". Tanya was in bed, I got her up and sat down with them and explained what had happened with Kenzie, we no longer would be moving to Banff, and I might be moving to Alberta.
Oh and I forgot to mention, Boy and Girl broke up, then after we dropped off Doochey, they made up, how sweet (cough puke gag cough) another crazy night.
I crawled into bed and thought, this weekend could not possibly get any worse, I called Ryan to get some sympathy and hoping he would cheer me up, he wasn't home. I miss him.
I couldn't wait to walk into Herman's the next night, grab a cold Kokanee and sit down with the Metalheads and make arrangements to go to Metallica. I like hanging out with the Metalheads, no drama, just a lot of bitching back and forth, and I always laugh a BUNCH!
I wake up at 10, fighting my body to wake up, I call work, my boss Anne answers, she tells me she had been trying to get a hold of me, (that is why I had given her my cell number). She tells me they were off work the day before because of the strike ( i knew that thanks to my aunt)., and that business is really slow.
I don't work for Parks Canada, I work for the Fortress of Louisburg Association, within the Fortress, they handle the Bakery, Restaurants, Laundry and Costumes.
Then Anne informs me that I am laid off, she says that 23 people have been laid off, and that the only ones staying are the ones without enough hours to receive EI. I can tell she feels uncomfortable this must have been very difficult for her, she cared. I told Anne that I really enjoyed working there and for her,and then hung up rolled over to go back to sleep.
EXCEPT now I am terrified, how will I pay my bills what will i do now? I can't go to Banff, that's fucked over, I can't stay here I have to pay my car insurance, it's overdue by a month, my cell phone bill is 250$ this month. My brother doesn't have a job, I owe Jaclyn 40$, could I work at Stream again? I can't buy groceries, the house needs to be cleaned, I have to wash my car, is it raining today, good thing I fixed my windshield wipers, What a kinky dream...Did Carol go to work today? I have to pee, why haven't I gotten my period yet? Must change birth control pills.. Why haven't my parents called lately? Should I move in with my parents, Grande Prairie might be nice, they have been telling me of all the jobs up there. Mom says there are a lot of cute guys with good jobs, maybe that's where I need to be. I really have to pee. If I get out of bed I'll never get back to sleep. Though I would like to go back to that dream. I have only gotten 7 hours of sleep in the last two days, fuck i have to pee, I have no money, none, I can't go to Hermans no money for cover, fuck that sucks, Cory is moving next week I wanted to see him before he goes... Wait I might be leaving before him, why did everyone have to move away before me? I don't want to get out of bed. Where are my glasses?
Part 3
While Hanging out with "Girl" my phone rings (I changed it to the theme from Spiderman it's GREAT!), it''s Kenzo, with bad news.
Our plans to move to Banff and settle down to live the life of rocks stars have been cancelled, his motherfucking cocksucking cousin ripped him off. He screwed all our plans so we have to change them again, and I am worried about Kenzie.
"Girl" and I head out to "Doochey's" to get ready to go out, I had borrowed Nikki's funky hat and was wearing it out to the Guildwood.
Now "Girl" and "Boy" sometimes argue (that being an understatement) though on this night they were getting along famously, Girl and Boy have been dating for a while, and with every relationship there are problems. Unfortunately theirs is trust related, and Doochey had just got out of a relationship almost TWO MONTHS ago. He was gong on because his ex may be dating the HOTTEST GUY at my former place of employment (in my own personal opinion).
Oh Joy Oh Bliss, a couple bitching at each other, and a guy bitching about his ex, did I mention I am going to remain single FOREVER!
Actually it was a lot of fun, I met some other dude who was pretty cute and seemed nice, we played TARBISH (first time since my parents left, I had missed playing).
Around 1:20 am we finally started to head towards the Gwood, when we got their I seen "hot dude with giant plugs" I walked by to say hi, and he said hi gorgeous I must have blushed six shades of red, good thing it was dark.
We got into the bar, I seen no one I wanted to talk to, I got strange looks cause I was wearing the pimping hat, and Girl got angry with Boy.
Boy kept letting go of girls hand every time 2 "hot blonde's" walked by, and then grabbed it again once they passed. This had happened before, and he also did some other things that made Girl feel unappreciated that night.
We left the Guildwood to head to the Capri, we took another girl I used to know from work, we'll call her :"Cheerful" it had been her birthday on Thursday.
Cheerful had never been out to the bars in Sydney, it was Friday so we went to Capri, Girl and Boy got in fight, he inadvertently called her a slut, she was upset and crying she fled the bar, he stayed there with dumb expression on face, I chased her.
Like many a times before she cried and bitched and I listened, problem was this wasn't like all of times before. I was cranky and tired, and told her to either suck it up, or break up with him, because we had spent far too many occasions in my car with her crying about him.
Boy finally came out with Doochey, he and I went and grabbed a slice and talked about his break up and how he needs to move on. Girl could be heard screaming at Boy for quite a while as we walked away.
When we were returning from getting pizza we ran into Boy and Cheerful heading down to the pizza shop, Boy warned me that Girl would be in a bad mood. Sure enough wee returned she is leaning against my car, arms crossed.
I grab door handle to get cell phone out of car, *click* *click* door handle not opening door.....
I know my keys are in cup holder.....
I turn quickly "Girl did you lock my doors?"
Girl: "well I was angry so I went fro a walk"
Jamie: "So you locked both doors"
Girl: "It's Friday night the bars are busy"
Jamie:"My keys are in my car"
Doochey: "Fuck off!"
Jamie: "I wish I was joking"
Girl: "Well I..."
Jamie: " I have no money, the spare set got lost in NW last week, and I have no one to call cause my phone is LOCKED IN MY FUCKING CAR!"
Girl: "I'm soooooo sorry!"
Jamie: "I'm going to cry"
Part 2
We arrived at Jaclyn's at 10, Tanya and I chilled out on the couch and Jaclyn offered us some beer, I proceeded to consume a lot of beer, approximately 5 in an hour and 15. Carol, Nikki and Mary came over to Jaclyn's after work at 11 and we all headed to the Slut Hut. I was exhausted, I had been up till 5:30 the night before, I was awaken at 9 am to drive my friends to work, and had barely ate all day. I was pretty trashed. I had to work at 11:30 the next morning if Parks wasn't striking so I quit drinking by 12. We went to Capri, I ran into Jaclyn and Aime, we chatted, danced, I was tired and bored.
We went back to Jaclyn's around 4ish, I crashed out in her daughters bed (she was at her grandmothers for the night. Tanya and I had to share a bed, but she wanted to stay awake for a bit and talk to Chris (Jaclyn's new roommate). I thought that was great more room in the single bed to myself for a bit. I crashed out, Tanya came to bed around 6, and I counted don the minutes till she left, the five hundred stuffed animals, Tanya and I did not fit overly well into a child's single bed.
I got a crappy sleep, I woke up a thousand times due to heat, being kicked by Tanya or roommates arguments in other rooms.
Ten o'clock hits, and I call work to make sure things are a go, (striking people sometimes interfere) no answer at work, I call my aunt she says they are picketing today, no work for me. That's really shitty cause I need the tips to pay my gas bill, but good because I get to sleep longer.
I then get woke up a thousand more times, because no one wanted me to miss work, Jaclyn (the wonderful beautiful amazing woman that she is) lent me some cash to pay my gas bill. I slept till 1:30 off and on, got up showered and went downtown to get my windshield wiper fixed cause I was certain it would rain.
I waited an hour for it to be finished, got to read about half my book, Alas, Babylon it's by Pat Frank about the day after a nuclear war. Then went to the Bay, paid my bill, went to Georgie's and hanging out on her sisters neighbours step. I felt like I was in some cheesy Cape Breton movie, hanging out in the "hood" of Glace Bay on a step with barefoot kids and dogs running by, and cars with no mufflers zipping around.
Then we decided to go out, I would be DD (being broke and all)... and things just proceeded to go even further downhill.
Worst Fucken Weekend Part 1
Thursday, Kiddo, Tanya and I went swimming down at Gary and Jeans' (family friends) on Mira river they have a dock and a secured raft.... We drove down Trout Brook Road, over to Brickyard road and back through Donkin to Big Glace Bay beach, and went for a swim. Tanya and I walked past these cute boys like 6 times, and almost fell over ourselves drooling. We stopped by Danny's, watched video of backyard wrestling and laughed at our friends and their crazy antics.
We scooted to Tanya's and got ready to go out, picked up Shane from work and headed into Sydney, to my friend Jaclyn's. I stopped for gas, I had 200$ in my bank account and a hard night of drinking ahead of me.... EXCEPT... the money was gone, and I was flirting with the cute cashier, and my debit card came back INSUFF FUNDS! It was like "NICE TRY LOSER! The hottie was really nice about it, and said I could come back in the next day and pay for it. I was working the next afternoon and was coming out to the Bay to go out with Kelly, I could pay for it with my tips. I called the bank only to discover my car payment came out and it wasn't supposed to I had ten dollars in my account... FUCK FUCK FUCK!
It was embarrassing as hell and not even the worst part of the weekend......
To be continued.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Drama Queens beware.
Comments section is wide open.
Don't be a pussy leave your name!
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
This site has become boring, it is far to edited, I have begun to resent it.
Wow I can't believe I finally said that.....
This has become what I didn't want it to be.... maybe I am just another piece of crap blog on he Internet, and I should tuck my tail between my legs and let this die. I don't want this to become another drama queen bitch fest, or some boring log of daily events. I have stopped sharing, I have stopped caring.
My brother is reading this over my shoulder and that irritates me so I will sign off.
Ta Ta For now.
This is Dumb
1. What time did you get up?
1:42 pm
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be?
George W. Bush (we'd have pretzels)
3. Gold or silver?
4. Last film you saw at the cinema?
The Village
5. What is your favorite TV show?
I don't have cable or a dish anymore. It's summertime, I enjoy the outdoors.
6. What do you have for breakfast?
I get up past noon, whatever is int he cupboards or fridge.
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?
The dude who hit my car, I still want to bash his head off!
8. What/Who inspires you?
Now that's complicated so I'll save it for another post, and just write the typical
family, friends crap.
9. What is your middle name?
I do not have a middle name.
10. Beach, city or country?
Beach in the summer, country in the fall, city in the winter. Tropics in the spring.
11. Favorite ice cream?
Baxter's Mint Chocolate Chip
12. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
Buttered, but I also enjoy the flavors from the theatre.
13. Favorite color?
14. What kind of car do you drive?
2003 Alero GX Coupe (apparently driving it at excessive speeds makes me a maniac)
15. Favorite sandwich?
Club House
16. First thing you would buy if you hit the lottery?
A trip for all my friends and family to various interesting destinations, and as we traveled we would leave people behind, and I wouldn't return till I had got rid of everyone along the way.
17. Favorite flower?
18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would it be?
I think I am ready for Scotland.
19. What color is your bathroom?
Pink, not my choice
20. Favorite brand of clothing?
21. Where would you retire?
I can't pick one place, maybe a place long the bay of Fundy, one in Cancun,
another in New Zealand, one near Edinburgh, a small place near Chilliwack, a small island near Thailand.
22. Favorite day of the week?
I love everyday!
23. What characteristics do you like the least in a person?
Lying,cheating, and cattiness
24. Where were you born?
Sydney, Nova Scotia
25. Favorite Sport to watch?
I am not a big sport watcher, but I do occasionally watch hockey, I prefer to watch sports live though.
26. Are you going to see Metallica in Boston on October 24th?
Not sure, but it's a possibility.
27. How many languages can you speak?
Only 2 French and English, I also know a tiny bit of Spanish,
German, and Gaelic.
28. What fabric detergent do you use?
Whatever is next to the washer when I do laundry.
29. Coke or Pepsi?
30. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
The only part of the morning I like to see is when I am on my way to bed, so I will say Night Owl.
31. Name the CD's in your disk player?
Nativity in Black Volume 2, it's a Black Sabbath tribute Album, in my car. I think Punkorama is on the Cd player in the kitchen (for doing dishes too) and in my room I do believe it's a mix with some Slayer, Metallica, Hatebreed, Maiden..
32. Do you have any pets?
Well there's Herman..... (j/k) as much as I would like to find a boy to keep in a cage in my basement, there are none as of yet... heheheheh
Thanks for taking the time to read this, please don't expect me to do this often.
Monday, August 16, 2004
Did you know:
- I may have the opportunity to go to another phenomenal concert.
- today was my cousin Jordan's 23rd birthday.
- Exorcist, The New Beginning opens on Friday.
- Kennington Cove's water is still freezing cold in the middle of August.
- Bejeweled can be addictive.
- I have great friends.
- Mr. Noodles is a cheap and filling meal.
- Mosquitoes suck.
- I love to swim.
- I miss my parents.
- I miss my friends who have moved away.
- I miss the friends who haven't moved but will soon, we never hang out anymore.
- I have changed this summer.
- "Sometimes anger can help you survive" ~ Storm, X-men 2
- Resident Evil 2 is coming out in September.
- I still do NOT know who made that phone call to the Psychic line.
- For their sake I hope I do NOT find out.
- Men beating the shit out of each other is hot!
- I enjoy doing laundry.
- I began a new project, I think I will concentrate more time on it.
- Some things are better left unsaid.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
I'm on crack??
Tonight is a meteor shower, it supposed to be the peak night to watch it, I am rather excited, so I definitely want to be home to chill out on my deck and watch the "shooting stars" streak across the sky.
I want to get dressed up to the nines and go out, we did it last year for Tracey's birthday and had a blast, I am trying to get her to do it again, though she'll probably want to spend it with her boyfriend.
I had a Bar-B-Q at my house in June, at ten o'clock that night, someone called a Psychic line ( a 900) number from my phone, found out the bill is 38$ plus tax...... Very Pissed!.
My baby brothers birthday was yesterday, we went out to Daniels last night to celebrate, we brought two couples with us and they both we arguing at some point in time in the night, really makes me want to run out and get into a serious committed relationship...oh wait... NO IT DOES NOT! We went to the Capri after I drove the couples home, my brother got up and danced, he's 6'4, and has no rhythm, you could see his head bobbing around from any point in the bar, highly entertaining.
Side note: I am very happy I am a Former Stream employee, they all seem to be getting raped up the ass hardcore lately. I have friends who work there and I feel terrible that they are being mistreated, and are all basically being backed into a corner. In 2 1/2 hours they all have to sign papers taking a cut in wage anywhere from fifty cents to a dollar fifty, or else "resign" I think that's dirty!
I am off to go swimming, I hope you all are having an enjoyable afternoon.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Fumbling and Floundering
The thoughts that are jumbling and tumbling through my head, threaten to overthrow my sanity, to spill out of my head. Sometimes I wonder if anyone else thinks the same way about things as I, does everyone perceive things in the same manner as me? Perhaps my means of approaching situations, or reacting to them, is radically different from that of someone else's.
I am trying let my nails grow, I must discontinue biting them as much as I was accustom, a major change of habit, which is always a struggle. Biting my fingernails is a very disgusting vice, one that I have no recollection of when it commenced.
I was very sick when I woke up today, I was weak and have remained light headed all day, I didn't make it to work, which blows because I probably missed out on 50-100$. I hate my present lack of funds.
What am I searching for, where is this journey leading? I believe I am beginning to understand the phrase "hypocritical narcissist" and how it applies to me.
Friday, August 06, 2004
That's what me and my friends have become, I put the name together last night, we all share the same common ideas going out having fun all night long.
I got to drink last night, dollar shot night, had a blast. Got incredibly intoxicated. Realized I have started to have more fun sober than drunk. I think I may be starting to black out, time to stop drinking at all.
I don't update my blog as much lately. I have been out enjoying my life, not really thinking about what to write here, I used to think, oh I can't wait to put that in the blog, now I just enjoy the moment.
I am happy, I am so happy, and content. I miss Kenzo, I can't wait for October, it's going to be a traveling circus, I think I may have recruited more people to come to Alberta with us. It's terrific.
I have been reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged has anyone read it so I can discuss it with someone who is familiar with this novel....
My brother moved in here with me, maybe it will tame down the partying, he brought an X-box, bigger TV and new computer, but I like my frankenstein machine of borrowed parts.
I am off to listen to a friend, she is going through a break up.
Monday, August 02, 2004
Another interesting week.
I always joked with Kenzo that I would have to find him woman to clean his apartment,never thought it would end up being Tanya, Carol and I.
I went to work on Saturday morning and ran up and down stairs way too many times, I still haven't fallen down them quite yet, had a few almost.
Saturday night Kiara, Kevin, Carol, Tanya came out and Had a few beers while we waited for my friends from New Brunswick to arrive, Jeff and Brian.
The guys showed up, everyone else left for an hour or two to check out the gay dance...... Jeff, Brian and I stayed behind and kept drinking, when everyone returned we went for a swim at 5 am. I went to bed around six and was up at 10 for work.
Last night ended up being the strangest evening I have had in a while. I drove my friends into town, it was a Sunday night on a long weekend, we doubted anything would be going on, boy were we wrong. I met up with Jeff, Brian and Jesalyn to see "The Village" which I found too predictable, though SuperSteve did say it's a lot like the Bush Administration, good points drawn there, check it out for yourselves.
Then we went for coffee, I dropped them back off at their car, cause they were heading back to New Brunswick early in the morning.
I met up with the girls at the Slut Hut (it's getting to be our new hang out, how appropriate lol) and we danced, hung out and had a amazing time. The bartender took pity on me and my constant being DD and gave me free bottled water, nice girl.
Then we ventured over to the Capri, danced more, the girls drank more and then we headed back to my place when it closed. I had a beer, we hung out on the deck and watched the sun come up, it was a wonderful evening.
I then went to sleep around 8 am, woke up around 11 and sent my friends all off to their prearranged destinations, and went back to bed.
Today was a quiet relaxing day, I talked to my parents and am working on selling our house, I also did a bit of tidying up, and watching movies.